
Meeting Minutes: October 3, 2012

So many new faces at our first meeting! Welcome to the first meeting of AHA 2012. Excited for the new year with more opportunities and new members.

Introduction of Professor Charles Lachman, our special guest and department Head.
Professor Lachman specializes in History of Chinese Landscape painting, Art Theory and Buddhist Art.  PhD from University of Toronto. Professor Lachman spoke to us about his educational background and career.

Introduction of Group Officers:

Janet Northey, Graduate Co-Chair

Sarah Gordon, Undergraduate Co-Chair

Victoria Reis, Secretary

May Schlotzhauer, Treasurer

Katrena Kugler, Professional Development Co-Chair

Sophia Palmer, Professional Development Co-Chair

Kelsie Greer, Symposium Co-Chair

Jordan Koel, Symposium Co-Chair

Lisa Calevi, Faculty Liason

Rachel Barth, Publicity & Communications


Points of Order:

-Rachel is working on a travel blog for anyone that has traveled this summer. We ask for information about where you went and a picture or two to put up on our blog.

-Coordinating Symposium with the West of Center exhibition at JSMA. Call for papers will go out next week!

-Upcoming events this year:

We will have a fall panel of some kind for professional development. To be determined. As of now we have it planned for mid-November. Potential personal statement workshop for grad school as well as representatives from other exciting avenues in the art world. Discussed ideas for presenters- professionals working in museums, non-profits, art conservation, etc.

-Symposium: confirmed keynote Elissa Auther, coauthor of West of Center catalogue. Working on call for papers. Working with the museum to coordinate and making it bigger and better than last year. It will be called “Experience and Experimentation”.

-NEXT WEEK EVENT: Undergrad grad mixer!  Friday Oct. 12th NEXT FRIDAY AT 4
in LA 206, there will be FOOD!

-Passed around sign-up sheet for those interested in being on a Fundraising Committee: We need money!

-Later this year we want to make t-shirts, maybe representing a student artwork with a prize for the winner. Open to new fundraising ideas.

-Winter ART SHOW: One of the items written in the constitution is that we’re supposed to support artists. This art show would support student artists here at the UO. Trying to get Laverne Krause gallery. Jury competition, up for debate. Late winter or early spring. Proposal call for art. We would curate the show and hang it ourselves and write on the pieces in an art critique practice. Application for gallery will be due Nov. 1st. Sent around a sign up sheet for an art show committee.

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